Qin Dynasty: 221 BC - 206 BC
Qin Shi Huang unified China.
He standardised currency, weights, measures and systems of writing.
He started work on the Great Wall of China which had been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced over various dynasties.
A Terracotta Army was constructed with the purpose of protecting the emperor in his afterlife.
Tang Dynasty: 618 - 907 AD
The golden age for social freedom, poetry, painting, tri-coloured glazed pottery and woodblock printing.
Urban women of elite status enjoyed the same freedom as men and were able to ride a horse, play polo, travel etc and held high positions in office.
This period also saw the only female Emperor (Wu Zetian) to rule China for 50 years.
Women wore their hair so that their temples were covered. Women wore loose fitting, wide sleeved robes which were low cut but with a high waist.
For men, what colour you were allowed to wear and whether you carried a sword/knife or wore a belt, indicated your rank in society.
Song Dynasty: 960 - 1297 AD
During the Song Dynasty, the rise of neo-Confucianism and patriarchal principles have led to a decline of the status of women with particular emphasis on chastity. The popularity of footbinding among elite women increased during this dynasty thus decreasing the number of dancers.

Yuan Dynasty: 1279 - 1368 AD
China under Mongolian rule.
Founded by Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan.
The first foreign-led dynasty in China.
The Mongol Empire was ethnically and religiously diverse. According to Marco Polo's accounts, he claims to have travelled to China during this dynasty and served in Kublai Khan's court for 17 years.
Ming Dynasty: 1368 - 1644 AD
The last ethnic Chinese dynasty led by the Han Chinese.
Emperor Zhu Di started to build the Forbidden City in Beijing.
Qing Dynasty: 1644 - 1912 AD
China under Manchu rule.
The last imperial dynasty in China.
Anti Qing/anti Manchu sentiments were rampant during this era. Slogan: 反淸復明/Fǎn Qīng fù Míng/Overthrow Qing, Restore Ming.
Only the Emperor can wear bright yellow. The Qing Dynasty was led by Manchurian people and their style of dress was adopted (on a compulsory/forced basis during this era) by both royalty, the court and commoners; regardless of their ethnicity, which the Han Chinese felt destroyed their traditional culture.
Manchu women wore their hair in various geometric bun styles.
The robe with a surcoat is the most common clothing for the Manchu people. Wooden high-platformed shoes were worn by women. Ironically, what modern day people's idea of the traditional Chinese suit and the Chinese dress were actually originated from Manchurians.
Manchus have many distinctive traditional accessories. Women traditionally wore triple drop earrings with three earrings on each ear. The Manchu people also have traditional jewellery which evokes their past as hunters. The fergetun/thumb ring, was worn to protect the thumbs of archers. During the Qing Dynasty, the thumb ring became a form of costume jewellery made of jade and ivory. Manchurian women were not into foot binding.
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