Saturday 1 June 2019

Maximum Duck

When the waters are deep,
Friends carry me over
When I cry in my sleep
Love call me home.
Time, ferry me down the river,
Friends carry me safely over
Life, tend me on my journey
Love call me home.

Let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears
While we all sup sorrow with the poor
There's a song that will linger forever in our ears
Oh hard times come again no more

'Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered around my cabin door
Oh hard times come again no more

Let the river run l
et all the dreamers wake the nation
Come the New Jerusalem
Silver cities rise the morning lights the streets that meet them
And sirens call them on with a song
It's asking for the taking
Trembling, shaking, oh, my heart is aching
We're coming to the edge, running on the water
Coming through the fog, your sons and daughters
We the great and small stand on a star
And blaze a trail of desire through the darkening dawn

* Songs we are rehearsing for a possible future performance *

Bridget's Urban Family

Sharon: Journalist. Likes to say fuck. A lot.

Jude: Head of Investment at Brightlings Bank who spends most of her time locked in the toilets crying about fuckwit boyfriend.

Tom: 80s pop icon who only wrote one hit record then retired because be found that one record was enough to get him laid for the whole of the 90s.

* Information taken from the film adaptation of Bridget Jones Diary *


Aldi vs Other UK Supermarkets

Aldi products that are actually better quality and more affordable than other UK supermarkets:

~ Coconut water
~ Nuts
~ Dairy-free milk options
~ Chia seeds
~ Coconut oil
~ Blueberries
~ Bakery items
~ Salmon

Aldi products that are not on par with other UK supermarkets:

~ Kale
~ Pork loins

* This list is not exhaustive *