Saturday 1 September 2018

Oven cooked or stove-top cooked spare ribs

1/2 garlic finely chopped
Ginger, finely chopped
Dark soy sauce, to colour
Spring onion, finely chopped
Pinch of salt and sugar to taste
Splash of cooking wine or cider vinegar (optional)

Wash the ribs and marinade overnight
Transfer onto oven tray and add a splash of water.
Cook in oven covered with tin foil at 200 celcius for at least 45-60 minutes


Pan fry the ribs for about ten minutes until golden brown
Add enough water to cover and add the marinade ingredients.
Braise in wok or saucepan for 60-75 minutes, turning occasionally.

Cheats marinade for stove-top method:
Cooking wine 

Celebrity Dopplegangers

Joachim Phoenix and Michael Stuhlbarg

Adam Sandberg and Zach Braff


Richard Gere and Harrison Ford

Milla Jovovich and Elizabeth Moss


Orlando Bloom and Tom Chambers

Alicia Silverstone and Maggie Lawson


Gil Birmingham and Andy Lau

John Ross Bowie and Ed Helms

The Unicorn & The Phoenix

 Number One

two creatures purely of the light:
reborn from his ashes; healing tears
her beauty warms the heart of others
an alchemical marriage of yellow and black
interracial peace

(c) Written by J. Chan aka Domestic Goblin