Sunday 1 November 2015

Welbeck's Superior Buttons of Birmingham

Quotes from Jonathan Strange, second magician in England:

"Oak trees can be befriended and will aid you against your enemies if they think your cause is just.  Birch woods are well known for providing doors in Faerie. Ash-trees will never cease to mourn until the Raven King comes home again."

[Though there were indeed spells that could move rain and sunshine about, like pieces on a chessboard, I would never employ them except in the direst need and I advise you to follow my example. English magic, had grown up upon English soil and had in a sense been nurtured by English rain. In meddling with English weather, we meddled with England, and in meddling with England we risked destroying the very foundations of English magic.]

"A magician might [kill a man by magic], but a gentleman never could."

(Quotes derived from the novel Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell written by Susanna Clarke)

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