Sunday 1 March 2015

Tri-lingual Middle Earth

Common tongue: Rivendell. Elvish: Imladris. 

Common tongue: Helms Deep. Elvish: Aglarond.

Common tongue: The Black Pit/Dwarrowdelf. Elvish: Moria. Dwarvish: Khazad-dum.

Common tongue: Mirrormere. Dwarvish: Kheled-zaram.

Common tongue: Dreamflower/Goldenwood. Elvish: Lothlorien.

Common tongue: The Lonely Mountain. Elvish: Erebor.

Common tongue: Lake Town. Elvish: Esgaroth.

Common tongue: Gandalf/Incanus. Elvish: Mithrandir/Olorin. Dwarvish: Tharkun.

Common Tongue: Aragorn/Strider (ranger). Elvish: Elessar (elfstone) / Estel (Hope).

Common tongue: Tom Bombadil/Orald. Elvish: Iarwain/Ben-adar. Dwarvish: Forn.

Civilisation vs Syphilisation

Quotes regarding outward bodily propriety:

~ Do not slurp with your mouth when eating from a spoon. This is a bestial habit.

~ It is against propriety to hold the fork or spoon with with the whole hand, like a stick.

~ You break bread, you do not cut it.

~ It is impolite to greet someone who is urinating or defacating.

~ Nor is it seemly, after wiping your nose, to spread out your handkerchief and peer into it as if pearls and rubies might have fallen out of your head.

Quotes taken from Norbert Elias.

Flat White

Patrick BATEMAN: Bone, Silian Rail lettering.

David VAN PATTEN: Egg Shell, Romalian type.

Timothy PRICE: Pale Nimbus White, raised lettering.

Scott MONTGOMERY: Off-white colouring, tasteful thickness.

* Information derived from the book: American Psycho written by Bret Easton Ellis *