Monday 1 December 2014

The Crow and The Beanfield

A delicacy among rabbits:

Rabbit names:
Fiver, Buckthorn, Hazel, Toadflax, Bigwig, The Threarah, Blackberry, Dandelion, Pipkin, Hawkbit, Speedwell, Acorn, Silver, Holly

Rabbit Glossary:
Hrair - any number above four

U Hrair - 'the thousand' collectively all the enemies of rabbits

Owsla - a group of strong or clever rabbits, second year or older

niFrith - noon

Frithrah -  sun lord

fu Inle - after moonrise

Hlao - any small concavity in the grass where moisture may collect

El-ahrairah - never say die

* Information in this post were derived from Watership Down written by Richard Adams *

Presents from the Father Christmas of Narnia

Peter: a silver shield with a red lion across it, and a gold hilted sword with a sheath and sword belt.

Susan: a bow and a quiver full of arrows, and a little ivory horn.

Lucy: a little diamond bottle filled with cordial made of the juice of one of the fire flowers that grow in the mountains of the sun, and a dagger.

* Information derived from 'The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe' by C. S. Lewis *

Non-Optional Social Conventions

Christmas present obligations as defined by Dr Sheldon Cooper

The foundation of gift giving is reciprocity:
The essence of the custom is to purchase a gift of comensurate value and prepresenting the same perceieved level of friendship as that represented in the gift you have been given.

Whilst on vacation: 
We must let our hair down in the local watering hole. It seems appropriate to order a Pina Colada with extra pineapple slices; extra whipped cream; extra cherries; extra umbrellas and no rum.