Saturday 1 November 2014

The Gender Bender

To paraphrase Tania Sanchez, since fragrances have no genitalia, I have on occasion preferred scents that are marketed towards men.

On the fifth of November (bonfire night), I find that the smoky rubbery vanilla smell of Bvlgari Black is very appropriate.

I reserve Sartorial by Penhaligon's for when temporarily residing in the countryside adorned with a tweed jacket and farmer's wellies.

If you want to command respect from passersby, wear Chergui from Serge Luten.

Doro and Marcus

Amusing quotes from Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka

"The family is a patriarchal construct to facilitate the subordination of women and enslave them within the domestic sphere".

"Jealousy and possessiveness were relegated to the dustbin of history, along with private property and the nuclear family".

"Admitting you were jealous meant you were mired in atavistic bourgeois ideology".

Visual Globs & Beerlight

Amusing lines from 'Toxicology' and 'Atom' written by Steve Aylett:

~ Do insects bruise?

~ Lizard: when mashed, this animal resembles snot.

~ A hundred per cent of marriages end in divorce, disappearance or death.

~ Cordiality is a species of deception.

~ Dead: [being] commendably economical with [ones] breathing.

~ Scientists have found that the gene for low IQ is biologically paired with that of a fondness for pasta.