Friday 1 November 2013

Postcards to Jeeves

Postcards written by Bertie Wooster to his valet Jeeves as he travels across America with the cast of 'Ask Dad' - a Broadway musical.

Lackawanna, New York to Chattanooga, Tennessee:
Well, we're off on our travels, Jeeves. Blasted tricky business what they call "hunting" in these parts; they do it without horses. Managed to wing a forest ranger the other day, however. Show is a sellout everywhere. My log cabin marked with an X.

Tallahassee, Florida:
Westward, ever westward, Jeeves. We're all having a whale of a time, especially Cyril Bassington-Bassington. My sleeping-car marked with an X.

Palestine, Texas:
Show doing famously, Jeeves. I must say, the horses out here are rather excitable. The local lads are rather excitable too. I've had to buy a few new clothes, I'm afraid, but I'm sure you'll approve. My bunkhouse marked with an X.

Nevada, Missouri to Rapid City, South Dakota:
This card shows a picture of the Rockies, Jeeves. They're mountains, as you can see. Dashed rocky they are, too. My rock marked with an X.

Crazy Mountains, Montana:
This is the life, Jeeves. Not a fish in sight and boots slowly filling with iced water. I did catch a couple of trout the other day. One of them looked exactly like Oofy Prosser. You don't suppose the Oofys hail from Montana, do you? My teepee marked with an X.

Walla Walla, Washington:
I've now seen 'Ask Dad' six billion and blasted two times, Jeeves (or is it six billion and blasted three?) and still no blasted sign of a blasted Broadway theater. My seat in the blasted orchestra stall marked with a blasted X.

PS, I really think I might leave the show and totter home soon.

*Information for this post were derived from Jeeves and Wooster (Series 3, Episode 3) * 

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