Sunday 1 April 2012


Absinthe - The green fairy
Beige - Distressed oatmeal
Dark pink - Crushed strawberry
Female human - Daughter of Eve
Male human - Son of Adam
Mascara - Censorship for eyelashes
Moths - The Devil's butterfly
Music - Wordless sound poems
Pinky-purple - Heliotrope
Red - Crimson glow
Shoes - Cinema for the toes
Video - The device that killed the radio star
Vitriol - Mortal poison, a disease of the soul

* The above definitions have been inspired by, and taken from, many sources *

Prince Pondicherry

"Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Golden Ticket, from Mr Willy Wonka! I shake you warmly by the hand! Tremendous things are in store for you!".

Confections made in the Wonka Factory include:
Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight
Nutty Crunch Surprise
Everlasting Gobstoppers
Hair Toffee
Three-Course Dinner Chewing Gum
Eatable Marshmallow Pillows
Lickable Wallpaper for Nurseries
Hot Ice-Cream for Cold Days
Fizzy Lifting Drinks

Jealous Competitors:

There are five children in this story:
A greedy boy

A girl who is spoiled by her parents

A girl who chews gum all day long

A boy who does nothing but watch television

The hero

Sample of Oompa-Loompa Songs:
Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop!
The great big greedy nincompoop!

Dear friends, we surely all agree,
There's almost nothing worst to see,
Than some repulsive little bum,
Who's always chewing chewing-gum.

Veruca Salt, the little brute,
Has just gone down the rubbish chute.

The most important thing we've learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set -
Or better still, just don't install
The idiotic thing at all.

* My preferred edition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is published by Puffin Books and illustrated by Michael Foreman *

* Domestic Goblin claims no credit for the image used in this post. All visual content in this blog is copyright to their respectful owners *

The Wicked Wench

~ Admiral
~ Vice Admiral
~ Rear Admiral
~ Commodore
~ Captain
~ Commander
~ Lieutenant Commander
~ Lieutenant
~ Sub Lieutenant
~ Midshipman
~ Warrant Officer
~ Master Petty Officer
~ Senior Petty Officer
~ Chief Petty Officer
~ Petty Officer
~ Leading Rating
~ Able Rating
~ Junior Rating
~ Engineer
~ Steward
~ Boatswain
~ Mechanic
~ Sailor
~ Ships' Cook
~ Cooks' Assistant
~ Ordinary Seaman
~ Cabin Boy
~ Crew Member
~ V.I.P Passenger
~ Passenger