Monday 1 January 2018

Five for Christmas

the glory
Radiant wings
long ago
Christ the Babe
Making memories

18th December 2017 Christmas Carol performance at St Anne's.

Winter Songs

Glow by Eric Whitacre

Softly falls the winter snow
Whispers to the sleeping world below
Winter tide awakes
Morning breaks and sets the earth a glow
In gentle tones of warmest white
Proclaim the glory of Aurora’s light
Sparrows sings in a clear clean voice
Radiant wings as the skies rejoice
Softly falls the morning snow
Whispers to the sleeping world below
Like the softly falling snow

The Season of Love (A December Wish) by Albrecht/Althouse
Let me paint a picture:
a candle glowing bright, a glist’ning winter night.
Let me paint a picture:
Enchantment in the air, there’s magic everywhere.
It’s the season of hope, the season of peace,
the season of promise and faith.
Believe in this time, believe in this place,
and always embrace… the season of love.
Let me paint a picture:
of ice upon a stream, a morning just to dream.
Let me paint a picture:
your fam’ly and your friends; these times should never end.
It’s the season of hope, the season of peace
the season of promise and faith.
Believe in this time, believe in this place,
and always embrace… the season of love.
Making mem’ries throughout the year,
sharing in the season’s cheer.
It’s the season of hope, the season of peace
the season of promise and faith.
Believe in this time, believe in this place,
and always embrace… the season of love.
The season of love… of love.

Somewhere Out There (An American Tail)

Somewhere out there
Beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me
And loving me tonight

Somewhere out there
Someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another
In that big somewhere out there

And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star

And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly by David Willcocks

Infant holy, Infant lowly
For his bed a cattle stall
Oxen lowing, little knowing
Christ the Babe is Lord of of all
Swift are winging
Angels singing
Nowells ringing
Tidings bringing
Christ the Babe is Lord, Lord of all
Christ the Babe is Lord, Lord of all

Flocks were sleeping
Shepherds keeping
Vigil  till the morning new
Saw the glory
Heard the story
Tidings of a gospel true
Thus rejoicing
Free from sorrow
Praises voicing
Greet the morrow
Christ the Babe was born, born for you!
Christ the Babe was born, born for you!

Midwinter Carol by Victor C. Johnson

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan. 
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone. 
Silent snow had fallen, snow on snow, 
In the bleak midwinter, long ago. 

In the bleak midwinter, angels to the shepherds came. 
“For unto you a child is born” with great excitement they proclaimed. 
“Gloria in excelsis Deo!” 
In the bleak midwinter, long ago. 

What can I give Him, poor as I am? 
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb. 
If I were a wise man, I would do my part. 
Yet, what can I give Him? 
What can I give Him? 
I will give my heart. 
I will give my heart.  

Carol of the Bells by Mykola Leontovych

Hark! how the bells
Sweet silver bells
All seem to say,
"Throw cares away."
Christmas is here
Bringing good cheer
To young and old
Meek and the bold

Ding, dong, ding, dong
That is their song
With joyful ring
All caroling
One seems to hear
Words of good cheer

From everywhere
Filling the air

Oh how they pound,
Raising the sound,
O'er hill and dale,
Telling their tale,
Gaily they ring
While people sing
Songs of good cheer
Christmas is here
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas

On, on they send
On without end
Their joyful tone
To every home

Ding, dong, ding, dong

* Domestic Goblin's current favourite winter songs *


Domestic Goblins Preferred Mode of Transport

~ Walking

~ Eurostar

~ Bus

~ Train/underground

~ Bicycle: Pashley

~ Car: Toyota Yaris