Thursday 1 September 2016

Ferns, Conifers and Pines

When would you prune caryopteris x clandonensis? 

A summer-flowering shrub. 
Fluffy blue flowers carried on new wood. 
You'd have to prune it late.
After it had flowered but probably not in winter lest its wood be damaged by frost.
If it were pruned in spring it would then send out the new wood that would carry its late summer flowers.
Answer: March/April.

Diploma in Horticulture
Theoretical and practical work.
Three month lecture blocks.
October to December - third years.
January to March - second years.
April to June - first years.

Herbarium: botanists naming and classifying pressed/dried wild flowers.
Jodrell Laboratory: plant scientists work on research.
Living Collections Division: the gardens.
Arboretum: trees.

Clog and Apron Race - Broadwalk.
Kew Mutual Improvement Society.
Plant Identification Tests.

Structural Botany.
Plant Anatomy.
Plant Taxonomy.
Plant Physiology.
Landscape Design and Construction.

* Information derived from 'Knave of Spades' written by Alan Titchmarsh *

Tup Tup T

Domestic Goblin's favourite tea of all time: 
Rooibos, or redbush in the vernacular. 
A refreshing South African tea that is naturally caffeine free.

Domestic Goblin's second favourite tea: 
Gemaicha brown rice tea in the vernacular. This is a variation of green tea with roasted brown rice puffs which gives it a lovely savoury smell and taste.

Other favourite teas which Domestic Goblin had to stop drinking as it stained her teeth: Russian Caravan and Earl/Lady Grey.

Hen Knees

In August 2016, Domestic Goblin was introduced to the new Hennes & Mauritz Beauty line by an extended family member who shall be referred to as 'E'.

Below are the products purchased for testing:

~ Gently Does It Cleansing Wipes

~ Cream Lipstick in Cream Chestnut
~ Cream Lipstick in Brunette Ambition

~ Nail Polish in Champagne Blush

~ Dead Sea Mud balancing face mask with kombu and fucus seaweed for combination skin.

'E' claims that the H&M cleansing wipes and lipsticks are "better than MAC" and that the Dead Sea Mud face mask is "fabulous".

What does the Domestic Goblin think?

Cleansing wipes: so far so good, does not sting eyes and even removes some of the waterproof mascara.

Cream lipsticks: neutral my lips but better colours, feels comfortable when applied.

Nail polish: the colour is identical to Bourjois' No 28 Rose Lounge favoured by the Duchess of Cambridge and cheaper too!  However they are not three-free so will not continue using this...

Dead Sea Mud face mask:  nice consistency, no adverse reactions, skin felt rebalanced.

EDIT: Can't seem to find the ingredients list for these beauty products so will hesitate to purchase any more...